Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Frugal Accomplishments/Update

So, between the new baby, a two year old, three online college courses, and still settling into our new home, I have been so busy!
But! I've still managed to accomplish a few frugal things in the past week or so.

We received a free dishwasher! It's about 4 years old and works great! I'd never had a dishwasher until now and I love it. It does take an entire day to fill it up if I cook two meals. That is a great time saver because I'm not washing dishes twice a day. It probably saves on water too.

I picked up a free item at Kroger and downloaded another item on to my card.

I only spent 37$ on groceries this week. I'm trying to cut back on my budget for groceries. I'm able to save money by shopping at Aldi's.

I received financial aid for school, so I spent no money out of pocket for my classes and actually will have money left over that I will receive as a check.

How was your week?

It's blurry, but it was nice and peaceful while they both slept for about 45 minutes!

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