Friday, July 26, 2013

Harper Shea!

Harper Shea was born July 10th, 2013 at 10:44 a.m. 

My due date was July 4th and I had been stuck at about 2 cm dilated since June. So I went into the hospital the night before to have a balloon put in to hopefully help me dilate some more but it fell out before I went to sleep. So I slept peacefully all night until they woke me up at 4:30.
I was started on Pitocin at about 6 a.m. but it didn't kick in until about 8:30. Around 9:30 they checked me and I was at 4 cm. I had planned on a natural delivery but the pain had gotten pretty bad from the Pitocin so I asked for some pain relief in my I.V. to see if it would hold me over until she came. That dose didn't really do anything and I was hurting! Little did I know, it was show time! I told the nurse, "I just can't do it, call the anesthesiologist, I need an epidural!"

While I was waiting on him I told the nurse I felt like I had to pee really bad and she said Uh, oh! They checked me again and it was time to push! They wheeled the epidural cart back out and called for the doctor. About 6 nurses came in to prep the bed and get everything ready. It all happened so fast that it doesn't even seem real. 

They kept telling me to wait for the doctor but it was really hard to not push! When he finally got there, I think I only push for about 4 minutes and she was here! It was amazing! I got my epidural-free delivery like I wanted after all.

My recovery has been amazing, I wanted to go home that night. I never felt like I had even had a baby. It was so much different from my first child. I never thought I'd recover from having him.

Harper was completely healthy and only had to was a bili-light for a few days at home to take care of her jaundice.

Proud Daddy!

Sleeping peacefully!

Proud brother and Grandma!

Tired Momma and a cute little girl showing off a hat her aunt made her!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Last Week's Frugal Accomplishments

Well I wouldn't say I had the most frugal of weeks but I did have a wonderful perfect baby girl on Wednesday! 

I still was able to accomplish a few things in between all the snuggling.

I picked up a few free items at CVS, including free body wash and candy.

I'm nursing so I don't have to buy expensive formula.

People have blessed us by bringing us food, which we are so grateful for.

I brought snacks to the hospital so we wouldn't be tempted by the vending machine.

Hopefully this week we will get back into a schedule and I can get into the frugal groove. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

Frugal Accomplishments/ Baby Update

I am now 4 days past my due date!! *sigh*  It's so hard to be patient! I'm going to be induced in two days. I haven't been doing a lot because I didn't want to be too far from home if I was going to go into labor but I still managed to accomplish a few frugal things.
I was able to get two free boxes of Lance crackers from Walmart with coupons.
I stocked up on a few things for the freezer with a sale and coupons to get my bottom price.
I received a few samples in the mail.
I received a package of hot dogs, buns, and a bag of chips leftover from a function at my mom's work. She brought them to me.
I've been sticking close to home so I haven't used much gas this week.
I received cucumbers from my parent's garden.
I bought a big bottle of Dawn dish detergent and vinegar to make homemade shower cleaner. I will have enough to last a long time. This is my favorite shower cleaner I've tried. And it isn't full of chemicals!
My son received a bunch of hand-me-down shorts which he definitely needed for the summer.