Monday, December 2, 2013


Bentley putting up our tree! Notice how he hung everything off the bottom.
and notice our ancient t.v.
This week was not very big in the frugal department.
The biggest thing was probably not eating at home all week!
We had multiple family dinners for Thanksgiving and lots of leftovers so I didn't cook all week, so I didn't use any groceries.
I also scored two more bottles of free shampoo at walmart. I'm getting quite a stockpile.
I took advantage of a few Black Friday deals to get gifts at a good deal.
I've been cutting the heat down at night, I think it's helping. Our electric bill dropped a few dollars.
Our vacuum broke, so we have to figure out something about that because I am a vacuuming fanatic!
What did you do this week?


  1. Per a pic on Facebook, my husband's niece's children got out Dad's tall ladder and hung all of the ornaments on the top of the tree including their stockings! The piucture of your son and tree is so sweet! Don't feel bad about the old TV! If it works then it is fine!

  2. We're not getting a new one til it dies!
