Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekly Frugal Accomplishments

  • I received a few free samples in the mail this week.
  • We didn't eat dinner at home hardly at all, we ate a random family members for Easter and my husbands birthday, but we brought something to most of the dinners.
  • Used coupons for a very cheap bottle of laundry detergent and am going to be able to do the same this week. I plan to start making my own very soon but I haven't got around to it yet.
  • The weather's been beautiful so I haven't had to run the heat. To keep from turning on the air, I've been opening the front door to let a breeze blow through.
  • Made a menu plan! I only had to buy a few items. The rest will be from the pantry and freezer.
  • Hung towels up to dry to reuse the next morning for me and my son.
  • Was able to download a bunch of free kindle books.
  • I got a free subscription to Amazon prime, allowing to watch a bunch of shows for free. I also get free shipping and can borrow one kindle book free a month. This will allow me to get some books that I want to read but will not pay for.


  1. well done. I have been a thrifter all of my life.Needed a new 3piece suite and could not find one I liked. Changed my mindset and found one in a 2ndhand store for £55 + £25 delivery the next day. Needs recovering which will cost about £500 but a new suite of this quality would make a big hole in £2000. Needed a sewing machine that would cope with quilting patchwork quilts. Very expensive then it dawned on me that my late MIL's was lurking upstairs. Have just given 'Geraldine'[I name most things,my car is Tootsie,my tricycle Mathilda and I once had a rubber plant called Rodney]a really good oil and polish and you would not believe the amazing 'feet' that come with it. No excuses for lousy seams etc now. Just to round it off nicely I got a box of egg replacer equivalent to66 eggs for £1.20 in my local supermarket. Just to round it off the bitter east wind has finally dropped and the spring flowers are out. Blissikins. Anona

  2. Yay for not having to run the heat(or air)!! I am looking forward to a low power bill this month. :)

