Friday, March 29, 2013

Frugal Accomplishments

The Prudent Homemaker does a post every week that I LOVE! It's about her frugal accomplishments of the week. Each week, everyone posts what they have done that week to save money. I wanted to join in too! So here is this week's list:

  • I used numerous coupons this week at the store. I'm currently stocking the freezer, pantry and toiletry box in preparation to start doing once a month shopping and hoping to start cutting our monthly grocery budget! I used coupons for toilet paper, shampoo(B1G1!!), a free powerade, canned fruit and Easter basket goodies. 
  • We've been cutting the heat down at night so it doesn't run while we're sleeping as much.
  • I've been staying at home a lot to save on gas.
  • Only ate out once after church on Wednesday since the schedule makes it hard to eat at a normal time. (and it was a dollar menu!)
  • I've been eating up all the leftovers for lunches. Yay for no food waste!!
  • I've been using Swagbucks to earn free gift cards!

That's all I can think of for this week!


  1. You are off to a great start! I know that one of the things that helps me find the sales/deals/etc. in my area is finding a local coupon/sale blogger. Hopefully you can find one in your area. I also follow, though hers is more of a national blog.

    I look forward to your next update!

    -Laura at TenThingsFarm

    1. Sounds like it was a good week! One thing I have done this week is to try to have a better handle on leftovers... Either sending them with my husband to work, freezing them, or wrapping them into a second meal.
