Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Frugal Accomplishments so far.. and catching up.

I've been a bit of a slacker when it comes to posting... but I'm going to try to get better. These three online classes are kicking my tail.

My sister in law paid for everyone to go to the beach as our Christmas presents. It's a little over four hours away. We went the weekend after New Year's. It was so nice, we pretty much just paid for food.

Our attempt at a family picture. Bentley is almost 3 and Harper is 6 1/2 months. At least my husband was smiling nicely.

We have decided that we are going to follow Dave Ramsey's version of money planning, so I've been tightening up our budget. Our goal is to be debt free!

Rice and beans!!

I stocked up on deodorant at 88 cent apiece.

I did not use all my financial aid at school, so I will be receiving a refund check of about 500$ in April.

I stocked up on laundry detergent at a good price. I've not had good luck with the homemade version and getting out stains.

It's been below 30 degrees here and I've been keeping the heat down and heating the living room, where we stay most of the day, with a small heater. It doesn't cost much to run.

We potty trained our son. He will be three in February, No more diapers to buy for him!

 My sweet babies!

I stayed home pretty much since we went to the beach. It saves on gas and I get a lot done around here. Even if it does get trashed in just a few minutes :)

Hopefully this week will be a little more productive!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Menu Plan.

This year I am trying something new. I'm going to keep a record of what groceries I buy and how much money I'm spending. 

I love Aldi for my primary shopping: all my basics and great produce prices. I also like Kroger. They were my favorite until they quit doubling coupons. They still do a free item every Friday.

I started off the new year with a trip to Kroger to use up some Slimfast coupons. (Yes, I'm on a diet. Down 5 lbs so far!)

This is what I bought:

Kroger brand fresh chicken breast - 5.65
cheddar cheese block - 2.00
Lean Cuisine - 2.00 x 5
Turkey Bacon -1.49 x 4
Turkey lunch meat - 3.00
Slimfast - 5.00 x 2
Biscuits - 1.00 x 2
Saltines - .99
Hamburger Helper (chicken fried rice) 1.00 x5 
(I love this stuff, even if it is probably very unhealthy)
Slimfast snacks - 3.49 x 2
Gatorade chews FREE
Hot dog buns - 1.00
Tide - 3.50
Sliced cheese - .99

I used the following coupons

1$ off five hamburger helpers
1$ off 5 lean cuisines
BOGO Slimfast
5$ off 2 slimfast
1.50 off Tide
.30 off biscuits
  Before coupons 91.00 
I paid 46.92

Weekly Menu

Monday - We had just got home from the beach. I had a Slimfast.

Tuesday - Chicken fried rice

Wednesday - Hot dogs, fruit

Thursday - Crockpot chicken, green beans

Friday - Pancakes, bacon

Saturday - Sausage and onions, mac n cheese

For breakfast and lunch I will be having shakes and fruit.